Grown To Be Wild's Mix Three is a 50:50 combination of native British wildflower and grass seeds which will cope with most soil types. This blend offers an amazingly colourful display of...


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Grown To Be Wild's Mix Three is a 50:50 combination of native British wildflower and grass seeds which will cope with most soil types. This blend offers an amazingly colourful display of wildflowers. The added grass species in this mix are carefully matched with the wildflowers to create a meadow as it would appear naturally. The grass will germinate and establish first, creating a safe environment for your wildflowers to flourish. 

Mix Three Contains:
50% Flowers & 50% Grasses

✔ 50% Flowers: Tansy, Red campion, White clover, Burnet, Black medic, Ribowort plantain, Birdsfoot trefoil, Sainfoin, Corn chamomile, Cowslip, Cornflower, Buckwheat, Barley, Wheat, Hedge bedstraw, Chicory, Sheep's parsley, Bitter blue lupin, Oxeye daisy, Field poppy, Corncockle, Self heal, Borage Weld, Yellow rattle, Vetch, Betony, Wild teasel, Foxglove, Meadow buttercup, White mustard, Wild carrot, Forage rye.

✔ 50% Grass: Cocksfoot, Yorkshire fog, Meadow foxtail, Timothy, Strong creeping red fescue, Meadow fescue, Smooth meadow grass, Crested dogstail, Sheep's fescue.

Why Choose Grown To Be Wilds Mix Three?

  • Contains 50% slow-growing grasses and 50% wildflowers
  • Bees and butterflies love this mix!
  • Native to Europe
    1. The establishment of wildflower mixes is not always immediate. Full establishment can sometimes take up to two or three years depending on the compilation of the mixture, site conditions, soil type, and husbandry input. Maintenance and management also have a major impact on how well and how quickly they establish. 

      Growing Tips
      Seeds need both warmth and moisture to grow and can be sown at any time of year when these conditions are met. For all wildflower mixtures the soil suitability should be considered. Wildflower mixtures generally persist well in areas of low fertility. If the soil is highly fertile it may be necessary to remove or strip existing topsoil and sow on to sub-soil. 

      When To Sow
      March-April and August-September, usually produce the best conditions for sowing in the UK. Double sowing, once in autumn and one in spring on the same site produces prolonged colour throughout the summer and autumn. 

      How To Grow
      Step 1: Mix Three can be sown straight into the ground where they are going to flower, so make sure you have prepared the seedbed properly by removing weeds, stones, and other debris.
      Step 2: Rake the soil to ensure is a fine and crumbly consistency. You want to plant the seeds at a depth of 13mm and cover with soil.

      Step 3: Very gently, water the whole area using a watering can, taking care not to wash your seeds away. 

      Once flowering has commenced at the end of the season, the area should be cut and the dead vegetation removed. The soil should then be dug over and sown with seed again (during the spring or autumn), then repeat the whole process the following year. After several years a seed bank should have built up and the flowers will keep returning. All that is requires is the soil is disturbed at the end of the season to activate the seeds.